Morocco, a captivating blend of ancient traditions and modern influences, is a dream destination for many. As parents, the idea of exploring Morocco with kids naturally brings forth questions about safety and family-friendliness. Here, we delve into the specifics to provide a comprehensive guide on whether Morocco is safe to visit with children.

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Safety Overview: Morocco in a Nutshell

Political Stability and Crime

Morocco enjoys political stability and has a low crime rate compared to many other countries. The government places significant emphasis on the safety of tourists, with police presence in popular tourist areas. Petty crimes, such as pickpocketing, do occur but can be minimized with standard precautions, like securing personal belongings and avoiding isolated areas after dark.

Healthcare and Medical Services

Healthcare in Morocco is accessible and generally of good quality, particularly in urban centers like Marrakech, Casablanca, and Rabat. Hospitals and clinics are well-equipped, and pharmacies are widely available. However, rural healthcare facilities may lack some conveniences, so having a travel health insurance plan and carrying a basic medical kit is advisable.

Child-Friendly Accommodations and Amenities

Hotels and Riads

Morocco boasts a variety of accommodations, from luxurious resorts to enchanting riads (traditional Moroccan houses). Many establishments cater to families, offering amenities like swimming pools, child care services, and family rooms. It’s always a good idea to check reviews and confirm facilities in advance to ensure they meet your family’s needs.

Dining Options

Moroccan cuisine is not only delicious but also versatile. Restaurants frequently offer a range of dishes that appeal to both adults and children. While traditional Moroccan food like tagines and couscous are flavorful and nutritious, many eateries also provide child-friendly options such as pasta, grilled chicken, and French fries.

Transportation: Getting Around Safely

Public Transport

Public transportation, including trains and buses, is generally safe and reliable. However, crowded public transit can be challenging with young children. Trains are usually more comfortable and family-friendly compared to buses. For a more comfortable and flexible option, consider hiring a private driver or renting a car with appropriate child seats.

Taxis and Ride-Sharing

Taxis are plentiful in Moroccan cities, and ride-sharing services like Uber are also available in some areas. Always choose licensed taxis and negotiate fares upfront or ensure the meter is running. For convenience and safety, keep children seated in the back and securely fastened.

Health Precautions

Vaccinations and Hygiene

Before traveling, ensure that your family’s routine vaccinations are up-to-date. Additional vaccinations, like Hepatitis A and Typhoid, are recommended for Morocco. Hand hygiene is crucial; carry hand sanitizers and encourage regular handwashing. Bottled water is widely available and advisable for drinking and brushing teeth.

Sun Protection

Morocco enjoys a sunny climate, making sun protection essential. Pack plenty of sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses, and ensure that children stay hydrated throughout their adventure.

Cultural Sensitivity and Respect


Morocco is a predominantly Muslim country with distinct cultural norms. Teaching children about local customs, such as dressing modestly and greeting people respectfully, will make for a smoother and more enjoyable experience. Many Moroccans are warm and hospitable, especially towards families and children.

Language Barrier

While Arabic and French are the official languages, English is commonly understood in tourist areas. Learning basic phrases in Arabic or French can enhance interactions and show respect for the local culture.

Activities and Attractions for Families

Family-Friendly Destinations

Cities like Marrakech, Fes, and Essaouira offer a wealth of family-friendly attractions, from bustling souks (markets) and historical sites to serene parks and beaches. The Atlas Mountains and Sahara Desert provide opportunities for camel rides, hiking, and unforgettable stargazing experiences.

Organized Tours

Many tour operators offer family-oriented trips that include activities specifically designed for children. These tours can provide a structured, safe way to explore the diverse landscapes and cultural heritage of Morocco.

Bottom Lines: A Balanced Perspective

Morocco can be a fantastic destination for families, offering a wealth of experiences that both children and adults will cherish. With proper planning, awareness, and adherence to basic safety precautions, visiting Morocco with children can be a rewarding and memorable adventure. The country’s unique culture, friendly locals, and captivating scenery make it well worth considering for your next family vacation.