With a vibrant culture and breathtaking beauty, Morocco is a land of surprises. From the cool cedar-forested mountains to the narrow gorges with oasis-like ribbons at their base, the country offers a diverse and captivating landscape. Enjoying a cup of traditional mint Moroccan tea while sitting on a stack of colorful Berber rugs, you may find yourself reluctant to leave. Morocco has everything you could want in a vacation and more, including stunning natural sights, bustling markets, and warm hospitality influenced by Berber, Arab, Jewish, African, and Mediterranean cultures. It is a land that is both enigmatic and exotic.

The 11 Top Experiences In Morocco

  1. Celebrating on the Jemma el-Fnaa, Marrakesh’s largest plaza—a must if you want to truly feel the pulse of this magical land. Every night, it’s a celebration.
  2. Haggling in one of Morocco’s famous souks, or markets, where navigating the hard-nosed bartering and opaque pricing structure is a rite of passage.
  3. Getting lost in the medinas of Fez and Marrakesh, infamous for their incomprehensibility. Embrace it. It’s all part of the experience.
  4. Sipping mint tea, the national beverage of Morocco, part of every greeting, every meal, and seemingly every business transaction, at a café in Tangier.
  5. Wandering the “Blue City” of Chefchaouen, the most photogenic medina in Morocco.Chilling on the Atlantic beaches of southern Morocco, where beaches like Taghazoute lead the way in year-round beach-going, sunsets, and surfing.
  6. Chilling on the Atlantic beaches of southern Morocco, where beaches like Taghazoute lead the way in year-round beach-going, sunsets, and surfing.
  7. Spending the night in a riad, a traditional Moroccan house where hosting a guest, seeing to every need, and going above and beyond expectations is something of a national tradition.
  8. Immersing yourself in Morocco’s rich Islamic history, from waking to the sound of the muezzin calling the faithful to prayer before sunrise, to visiting the spectacular Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca.
  9. Exploring spectacular Roman ruins, from the crumbling remnants of Volubilis near Meknes to the less-visited ruin of Lixus outside Larache.
  10. Relaxing in a Moroccan hammam, a full-body pampering experience, with steam rooms, exfoliation, and essential oils.
  11. Sleeping out under the stars in the Sahara at the magnificent sand dunes of Erg Chebbi.

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